The Gothic loftiness of Notre-DameNotre-Dame The Gothic loftiness of Notre-Dame dominates the Seine and the Ile-de-la-Cite as well as the history of Paris.On the spot , which was followed by a Christian basilica and then a Romanesque church ( The Cathedral of St.Etienne founded by Childebert in 528) .Maurice de Sully , bishop of Paris decided to build a new cathedral for the expanding population , dedicated to the Virgin Mary .Although construction started in 1163, it was not completed until roughly 180 years later in about 1345.Built in an age of illiteracy, the cathedral retells the stories of the Bible in its portals, paintings, and stained glass .The appearance of the interior was radically transformed in the mid-13th century when the small clerestory windows typical of the Early Gothic style were enlarged downward and filled with High Gothic tracery .The enlargement caused the removal of the unusual triforium.Originally the interior had the four-story elevation common to many Early Gothic churches, and the triforium had large round openings instead of the normal arcades. Seen from the exterior , the building appears to be High Gothic . Notable features include the profunsion of colonnettes and tracery screens , the horizontal and vertical ordering of the facades , the impsing size of the rose windows and the delicacy of the flying buttresses. In his restoration of the cathedral ( begun in 1844 and lasting 23 years), Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc reinstated the triforium and small clerestory windows in the eastern bay of the nave. The sculpture on the west façade , badly damaged during the French Revolution , was also restored during this period . Starting in 1991, a 10 years program of general maintenance and restoration was initiated.While works continues , sections of the structure are likely to be shrouded by scaffolds . For a look at the upper parts of the church , the river and much of Paris, climb the 387 steps yo the top of one of the towers.The south tower holds Notre-Dame`s 13-ton bell which is rung on special occasions .