Ecotourism - hotel eco of RomaniaThe ecotourism is seeing like a form of alternative tourism and he should to include to definition next elements : the product have at base the nature and his elements; the ecological management in service at one minimum impact; the contribution of conservation; the contribution at welfare of communitys local; the ecological education. Ecotourism can be definite like ,, . a form of tourism with most low impact about nature, who contribute to protect the species and hes habitates , direct about conservation , or indirect about generate of financial resources four communitys local enough four to ascertain these to estimate importance and under circumstances to the protect him like a source of income’’ (Goodwin, 1996) Ecotourism represent one of tourist with a huge trend of growth in last years, with priority in protect areas. Through promotion this form of tourism, many country of world who consider that areas protect, are a essence part at offer tourist , make tourism in nature and ecotourism to represent important elements of tourist industry. Apply ecotourism like a model of development a tourism , with difference in protect zone, has: one hand capitalization integrate of natural resources with bettering guality of life in local community and the other hand satisfaction reguirements of tourists in concordance with conservation of nature for next generation. The ecology development of tourism in protect zone have four plans: economic – capitalization resources little known four reduction pressure about most intens exploited; ecological – reduction and eliminate the garbage recycling it and pretect nature; social – growth number of jobs, gip same of treade traditional, attraction population to practice different form of tourism; cultural – capitalization elements of civilization, art and culture different, who express a special cultural identity. Rules ,,green’’ for hotel eco of About facility offer , this hotel try to protect nature. Reduction of consumption about electricity and water, recovery garbage , are criterions pe baza carora hotel Saturn received ,, Flower European,, for service tourist. Hotel Saturn was built in 2007, is open oll year and has 48 rooms and 4 flats. The cost for one night, with breakfast all –in, is 112 euro. Tourist who choise to accommodation here receive from reception one card to acces in room , and with this card tourist can contribute to reduction of electricity. If windows is open, the conditioned air is off. Also, the tourist have at hand portofolio with advice and information about haw he can protect nature. Four not to do waste of water , the battery from bath are anticipate with senzori, but there are also handles adjustable. The soap are the better quality , in the shape liguid for less pollution. Not garbage isn’t forget at ,,green’’ hotel. Her, the garbage is assort and deposit in containerize separat. Problem is that tourist can’t be command about this ,,green rules’’.