Program de testare a posibilitatilor de lucru a placii grafice in standardul VESAProgram Testare_VESA; uses dos; type tmoduri=array[1..256] of word; var imod,vseg,x,y:word; cbank,c:longint; rg:registers; ntbanks:longint; opt:char; vesabuf:record sign:longint; vers:word; oem:pchar; capab:longint; list:^tmoduri; reserv:array[1..512] of byte end; vesamod:record attr:word; wina,winb:byte; gran,winsiz,sega,segb:word; pagfun:pointer; bytes,width,height:word; charw,charh,planes,bits,nbanks,model,sbank, nrimpg,reservb,rms,rfp,gms,gfs,bms,bfs:byte; reserv:array[1..512] of byte end; function hexa(v:word):string; const s:string[16]='0123456789abcdef'; function hexb(b:byte):string; begin hexb:=s[b div 16+1]+s[b mod 16+1]; end; begin hexa:=hexb(hi(v))+hexb(lo(v)); end; procedure setbank(b:longint); begin vseg:=$a000; if b<>cbank then with rg,vesamod do begin cbank:=b; ax:=$4f05; bx:=0; dx:=b*64 div gran; intr(16,rg); end; end; procedure putpixel(x,y:word; cul:longint); var l:longint; m,z:word; begin with rg,vesamod do case bits of 4: begin l:=longint(bytes)*y+x div 8; port[$3ce]:=3; port[$3cf]:=0; port[$3ce]:=5; port[$3cf]:=2; port[$3ce]:=8; port[$3cf]:=128 shr (x and 7); setbank(l shr 16); z:=mem[vseg:word(l)]; mem[vseg:word(l)]:=cul; end;
8: begin l:=longint(bytes)*y+x; setbank(l shr 16); mem[vseg:word(l)]:=cul; end; 15,16: begin l:=longint(bytes)*y+x*2; setbank(l shr 16); memw[vseg:word(l)]:=cul; end; 24: begin l:=longint(bytes)*y+x*3; z:=word(l); m:=l shr 16; setbank(m); if z<$fffe then move(cul,mem[vseg:z],3) else begin mem[vseg:z]:=lo(cul); if z=$ffff then setbank(m+1); mem[vseg:z+1]:=lo(cul shr 8); if z=$fffe then setbank(m+1); mem[vseg:z+2]:=cul shr 16; end; end; end; end; begin with rg, vesabuf, vesamod do begin ax:=$4f00; es:=seg(vesabuf); di:=ofs(vesabuf); sign:=$41534556; intr(16,rg); if al<>$4f then begin writeln('Standardul VESA nu e implementat'); exit end; imod:=1; while list^[imod]<>$ffff do begin ax:=3; intr(16,rg); ax:=$4f01; cx:=list^[imod]; es:=seg(vesamod); di:=ofs(vesamod); intr(16,rg); if attr and 16<>0 then begin writeln(oem,' VESA Versiune ',hi(vers),'.',lo(vers)); writeln(hexa(list^[imod]), ' Rezolutie: ',width,' x ',height, ' Culori: ',longint(1) shl bits); write('Doriti testare (D/N)? '); readln(opt); end else opt:='N'; if upcase(opt)='D' then begin ax:=$4f02; bx:=list^[imod]; intr(16,rg); cbank:=-1; ntbanks:=longint(bytes)*height div gran div 1055; for x:=0 to ntbanks do begin setbank(x); mem[$a000:$ffff]:=0; fillchar(mem[$a000:0],$ffff,0); end; case bits of 4,8: c:=15; 15: c:=32767; 16: c:=65535; 24: c:=longint(1) shl 24-1; end; for x:=0 to width-1 do begin putpixel(x,0,c); putpixel(x,height-1,c); end; for y:=0 to height-1 do begin putpixel(0,y,c); putpixel(width-1,y,c); end; for x:=0 to 191 do for y:=0 to 191 do begin case bits of 4: c:=(y div 48)*4+x div 48; 8: c:=(y div 12)*4+x div 12; 15,16: c:=(y div 6)*(1 shl rfp)+x div 6; 24: c:=longint(x)*65536+y; end; putpixel(x+4,y+4,c); end; readln; end; inc(imod); end; ax:=3; intr(16,rg); end; end.