Conditionalul englezaCONDITIONALUL ENGLEZAConditionalul prezent 1. CONSTRUCTIA TIMPULUI Propozitie AFIRMATIVA
Propozitie NEGATIVA
Conditionalul trecut 1. CONSTRUCTIA TIMPULUI Propozitie AFIRMATIVA
Propozitie NEGATIVA
Cele trei tipuri de 'if' clauses TIPUL I - Unele gramatici nu-l considera propriu-zis un tip de fraza conditionala; el deriva din regula de concordanta conform careia dupa 'if' nu pot folosi niciodata viitorul. El se refera la o conditie care se va implini in viitor. Asadar, primul tip de 'if' poate fi reprezentat astfel:
E.g.: I will go there if you come with me. Voi merge acolo daca vei veni cu mine. TIPUL II - Indica faptul ca o actiune se poate realiza in prezent sau in viitorul nu prea indepartat, in cazul in care se indeplineste conditia exprimata de propozitia secundara conditionala.
E.g.: I would go there if you came with me As merge acolo daca ai veni cu mine Atentie: Desi forma in engleza este de Past Tense, traducerea in limba romana se realizeaza prin conditional-optativ prezent. Verbul 'to be' are forma were pentru toate persoanele. TIPUL III - Indica faptul ca o actiune ar fi putut sa se realizeze in trecut daca s-ar fi indeplinit o anumita conditie, prezentata in subordonata conditionala. Din aceste motive se vorbeste de o conditie ipotetica ireala si imposibila, intrucat ea nu se mai poate realiza sau este ireversibila.
E.g.: I would have gone there if you had come with me As fi mers acolo daca ai fi venit cu mine. Atentie: 1. Cateodata, atunci cand comunicarea incepe cu propozitia subordonata, 'if' este omis si se face o inversiune in topica obisnuita. E.g.: Had it rained, I wouldn't have come here. - Daca ar fi plouat, nu as fi venit aici. 2. In propozitiile negative, 'if not ' este inlocuit de 'unless': E.g.: She will not understand the lesson unless she learns the new words. - Ea nu va intelege lectia daca nu va invata cuvintele noi. EXERCITIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form (First type of 'if' clauses): 1. If I lend you $10 when you (to repay) me? 2. She will catch the train if she (to hurry). 3. If you (to read) the book, you will like it. 4. The police (to arrest) him if they catch him. 5. If you kindly sit down, I (to make) the enquiries for you. 6. If you(to need) a car you can borrow mine. 7. Unless George (to sell) more he won't get a comission. 8. The boys will not go up the mountain tomorrow if it (to be) foggy. 9. The manager will be absolutely furious if he (to hear) about this. 10. If you (not to go) I'll send for the police. 11. Please correct me if I (to make) mistakes. 12. Someone (to steal) your car if you leave it unlocked. 13. You (not to need) an umbrella if it isn't raining. 14. Unless Martin is more careful, he (to have) an accident. 15. If you want to buy this car, you (to need) a credit card. II. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form (Second type of 'if' clauses): 1. He (to buy) shares in your company if he had some money. 2. If I (to be) you I would go there at once. 3. He wouldn't start work on project unless his manager (to agree) to the plan. 4. If she were sent to prison, you (to visit) her? 5. If I (to pass) the exam I would take a long holiday. 6. Jim (to be ) ruined if he bought his wife everything she asked for. 7. She wouldn't accept that job even if the manager (to offer) it to her. 8. If I were you I (to be) more careful. 9. Mary could get a job easily in the banking system if she (to have) a degree. 10. If Jerry (to play) for lower stakes he wouldn't lose so much. 11. If he (to break) his promise, his wife wouldn't trust him any longer. 12. If I (to change) my job would it affect my pension? 13. What you (to do) if you found a burglar in your house? 14. If you won the first prize, you (to get) a lot of money. 15. If you knew you had only one year to live, how you (to spend) that year? III. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form (Third type of 'if' clauses): 1. If you had told me she had never paid her debts I (not to lend) her the money. 2. If father had been at home, he (to answer) the phone. 3. They (not to be) angry with her if they had known the truth. 4. He would have forced his way into the house if I (not to call) for help. 5. If Tom hadn't hurt his leg yesterday morning he could (to play) in the match last night. 6. The burglar would have been arrested if he (to try) to leave the country. 7. If I had known that you were in hospital I (to visit) you. 8. If you (to be) more attentive you wouldn't have asked that question. 9. If I (to realize) that the traffic lights were red I would have stopped. 10. Mike wouldn't have believed it if he (not to see) it with his own eyes. 11. You would have got the job if you (to know) to speak two foreign languages. IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form ('If'-mixed types): 1. I (not to buy) things on the instalment system if I were you. 2. If Mrs. Smith (to drive) more carefully she wouldn't have had the accident. 3. Mary (to learn) English if only she had the time. 4. If George (to have) a university degree, he wouldn't have to work as a mechanic now. 5. Even if I (to know) the truth, I would have still loved him dearly. 6. If I (to be) you I would try to understand her. 7. If anyone attaked me, my dog (to jump) at his throat. 8. An interpreter (to help) you if you cannot understand the Customs officer. 9. You (not to improve) your English unless you work harder. 10. What will you say if she (to ask) you for some more money? 11. His father decided that he (study) law. 12. I wouldn’t do that even if she (to give) me a lot of money. 13. He wouldn’t have acted differently even if he (to know) the real situation. 14. I would have bought tickets even if I (to have) to stand in the queue for hours. 15. I would finish my work much earlier if you (to help) me. 16. The man would have died if the doctor (not to arrive) in time. 17. These photographs (to be) better if you had been more careful. 18. Mother (to help) you if you asked her. 19. She will catch the train if she (to hurry). 20. They (to be) very surprised if they see us here. 5. Translate into English: 1. -De cand lucrezi in sistemul bancar? -De 30 de ani. -Poti sa-mi spui care sunt cele mai importante banci din Romania? 2. As dori sa cercetez documentele daca nu aveti nimic impotriva. 3. Daca ai fi fost mai atent cu stabilirea costurilor pretul de vanzare ar fi fost mai mic. 4. Lucrez in aceasta banca de 15 ani, de cand am terminat facultatea. 5. Ploua. 6. In Anglia ploua des. 7. Ploua de doua ore. 9. A plouat de la 3 la 5. 10. Plouase cand am ajuns acasa. 11. Speram ca va ploua. 12. Daca ploua, voi sta acasa. 13. Daca ar ploua as sta acasa. 14. Daca ar fi plouat as fi stat acasa. 15. A plouat. 16. Ploua de doua zlie cand am sosit de la mare. 17. Credeam ca a plouat. 18. Credeam ca va ploua. 19. Ma uitam pe geam si vedeam ca ploua. 20. Il cunosc pe Gerry de cand era mic. 21. Acum doua ore nu citeam, dar de atunci ma tot gandesc sa ma apuc de citit. 22. Daca nu ar fi plouat saptamana trecuta, am fi plecat la mare. 23. Ieri pe cand ma intorceam acasa a inceput sa ploua. 24. Luni iti aduc cartea. Cred ca o voi fi terminat de citit pana atunci. 25. M-as duce pe la ea daca as avea timp. 26. Daca as fi avut bilet, as fi mers si eu la cinema. 27. Mi-a spus ca va pleca in strainatate. 28. Mi-a spus ca azi implineste 30 de ani. 29. Ma voi duce pe la ea daca voi avea timp. 30. Mi-a spus ca ii era foame. 31. Mama este in bucatarie. Gateste. Gateste de la ora zece dimineta. 32. Daca ai fi fost aici, ai fi intalnit-o cu siguranta. 33. Daca ai veni cu mine, ai putea sa vezi filmul. 34. Imi faceam temele cand a sunat telefonul. 35. Daca as fi stiut ca nu vine, nu-l mai invitam degeaba. 36. Tocmai te-am cautat la telefon dar suna ocupat. 37. Ea mi-a povestit ca maine o sa va intalniti. 38. Cand profesorul ne-a spus sa ne oprim din scris, noi mai lucram inca la ultima problema. 39. Am invatat spaniola cinci ani si acum ma descurc binisor. 40. Cat timp va fi plecata sora mea, va gati matusa mea. 41. Mi-a spus ca a muncit mult toata saptamana, ca este obosita acum, si vrea sa se odihneasca. 42. Daca ai fi fost atent, acum ai sti sa raspunzi. 43. Vorbea la telefon de trei ore cand am sosit eu acasa. 44. Aceasta este cea mai buna prajitura pe care am mancat-o vreodata. Pot sa mai servesc? 45. Nu am mai jucat fotbal de cand mi-am rupt piciorul. 46. Daca ai vrea, te-as putea ajuta. 47. Daca as fi in locul tau, i-as da un telefon. 48. In timp ce citea ziarul, bunicul meu fuma. 49. Anul trecut vecinii nostri si-au cumparat o masina noua. De atunci tot repara la ea. 50. Locuiesc in acest oras de trei ani, de cand ne-am mutat aici din Bacau. 51. Economia de piata se deosebeste de cea centralizata.Intr-o economie centralizata, guvernul stabileste preturile, de aceea nu exista o concurenta reala. 52. Daca semnati aici, va trebui sa rambursati intregul credit in trei luni. Banca noastra nu acorda alt tip de credite. 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense: 1. Basic Treaty rules on establishment and freedom to provide services (not to mean) necessarily that a finanacial service undertaking lawfully trading in one Member State (to be able) to operate in another Member State without complying with certain of the local rules.There (to be) is therefore an area where completion of the internal market (to be) dependent on the enactment of Community secondary legislation.It may be suggested that the basic 1973 Directive on the Freedom of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services in relation to the acivities of banks and other financial institutions in reality (to become) redundant very shortly after it (to enter) in force following the judgements of the European Court which (to hold) that the basic principles of freedom to provide services (to be) in fact directly effective. (John A. Usher, The Law of Money and Financial Services in the European Community ) 2. The true value of shares in a business firm (to depend) upon its profits.By the autumn of 1929 the profits (to make) by many Americam firms (to decrease) for some time.If profits (to fall), (to think) more cautious investors, then share prices, too, soon (to fall).Slowly, such people (to begin) to sell their shares.At first many investors (to hold on) their shares, hoping that prices (to rise) again. 3. The setting up, running and winding up of a firm (to require) many different legal procedures. If you (to want) to start a business from scratch and you (to have) no previous business experience, you have to visit a solicitor.He (to advise) you on whether it (to be) best to trade as a partnership, as a limited company, or whether it (to be) necessary to take out a patent if you (to have) an original invention. 7. Translate into Romanian the texts in exercise